My Beloved Moon
By: Daniela Delgado
Daniela Delgado, a part-time poet and woman in STEM, based in El Paso, infuses her verses
with the essence of everyday life. Her poem 'Fireplace', included in the pages of 'Transatlantic Communications,' offers a glimpse into her contemplative world. Her Mexican roots drive her to include all her verses in Spanish, so her mother can read her work with ease. When not immersed in poetic musings, Daniela navigates the realms of science, follow her as she explores the intersection of her passions.
I long for something intricate,
A complex affair.
A swift, galactic dance, a celestial romance
She waxes and wanes,
Enveloped in the velvet above.
A silent partner in this cosmic waltz
With an ensemble of celestial beings,
They cast her in a silver glow,
A shimmering, radiant circlet.
Her face a mosaic,
Marked with scars of ancient time
How my heart aches to draw near in the night
To be free from these earthly bounds
That keep me tethered to this land
In the quiet of the dark
Her crystal steps
Cascade across my heart
Yet I gaze at you from where I stand my dear
I'll cherish what we share
My astral beacon
My elysian companion
My beloved moon
Anhelo por algo intrincado,
Un asunto complejo.
Un baile galáctioa, un romance celestial.
Ella crece y mengua,
Envuelta en el terciopelo del cielo.
Una compañera silenciosa en este vals cósmico
Con una armada de seres celestiales,
La proyectan en un resplandor plateado,
Una corona brillante y radiante.
Su rostro un mosaico,
Marcado con cicatrices de tiempos antiguos.
Mi corazón anhela por acercarse en la noche
Para liberarme de estas ataduras terrenales
Que me mantienen atado a esta tierra.
En el silencio de la oscuridad,
Sus pasos cristalinos
Cascaden sobre mi corazón.
Aún así, te contemplo desde aqui mi querida,
Aprecio lo que compartimos.
Mi faro astral,
Mi compañera elisiana,
Mi amada luna.