Who Is EUSO?
EUSO stands for English Undergraduate Student Organization, and is a revived club hosted here in NMSU’s English Department. As English students, we brought it back in hopes of inspiring our student body through one of the most undervalued studies: writing. We are an organization of future doctors, teachers, authors and freelancers, lawyers, and many other professions that contribute to a community. Not only can English studies be a stepping stone in furthering an education, but it can inspire creativity, redefine someone’s interpretation of professionalism, and provide a sense of achievement.
EUSO's intention is to create a stronger sense of community for students. We want our peers to feel confident in their academic future. There are a multitude of career choices behind English that you may not be aware of, and we are here to help with that. We want to organize workshops that help groom our students for graduation. A focus surrounding internships, job opportunities, graduate school and the professionalism needed to support these pathways.
We want to host our publication you’re reading right now, The Crimson Thread, monthly with highlights surrounding what community service we are involved with and the creative work our students have to offer. Creating a steady publication that features work by our students can be beneficial for those interested in the creative outlets writing supplies. Some of our peers may be obtaining an academic minor with our department, or simply have a passion for reading. That’s okay! We are motivated to host a platform for anyone that is drawn in by creative writing.
We would like opportunities to attend literature events, including readings, conventions, or conferences as they can offer valuable insight to our writing.
We feel a calling to help the local community with what we can. Reading is a very powerful tool that challenges comprehension. According to www.newmexicoliteracy.org, which hosts New Mexico's literacy overview, 46% of New Mexican's read at a level 2 or lower on a scale of 1 to 5. It also reports that 64% of jobs today require literacy skills beyond level 2. As a club so heavily involved with literacy and comprehension practices, we feel an obligation towards helping local children with these exact troubles. Our members have shown interest in participating with various events that are hosted throughout the Las Cruces and El Paso area. Being involved with the community is more than a sacrifice of time for us. We are making connections with kids across the city, and representing NMSU as a nurturing, knowledgeable campus for soon-to-be students to consider their future home of academic progression.
Want to Join?
Meetings are every other Thursday @ 5:45pm
Membership Requirements:
Must participate in volunteer event 2x per semester.
Must attend two consecutive meetings.
$8 fee that supports printing, advertising, refreshments, workshops, and commuting costs.
Can’t Make It, but Interested?
Email Maria Mendoza at mariab00@nmsu.edu
Meeting times are voted on every semester!