Wonderous Creator (I Built you)
By: Susannah C. Jozwiak Sewell
Susannah C. Jozwiak Sewell is a student at New Mexico State University studying Community Psychology and Counseling. Her creative work follows evocative motifs of childhood reflection, ethereal folklore, and historic artwork, drawing inspiration from other poets like Sylvia Plath and Edgar Allen Poe.
I built you in your formidable absence
In the hushed whisper of your mention behind palms
I built you from the memorial stained on the walls
and the fresh paint trying to hide it
I built you from my mother’s undying infatuation
Her insatiable passion to replace you with anyone even remotely similar
The shifting mold they never fit but often outgrew anyway
I watch her cry in her office chair in the corner
And I wait for you to come back as I built you
I built you from the expressionless portrait hung high in my yellow bedroom
Each day I study your stiff blue eyes and your nose, round like mine
The tattered wooden frame shadows your soldier’s courage on display behind glass
I built you from its implied honor, its foreboding promise of loyalty
I tell myself I’m not far apart from you this way
In my silent gaze of the silent photograph
and I wait for you to come back as I built you
I wait for you in the Polish food my mother cooks
I wait for you in the cabinets she said you hated being left open
In the porch you made with stolen wood
and the house you bought when you still wanted this life
I wait for you in all of these things
but you never return for me in any of them
Eventually I pack the portrait away
I disallow you from watching my life from its eyes and change my name
My deepest faith vanishing almost as quickly as you did
I purge my yearning for you through daily erasure of my own history
And a strict regime of self-loathing to keep the emptiness at bay
But when I look back and study this decaying narrative,
The wreckage of the deserted silhouettes I built your great name upon
I must admire the decades of my own perverse labor
You gave me nothing
And I made it my everything
What a wonderous creator I am
Still even today,
when I am met in the mirror
And am chanced with your round nose
And your stiff blue eyes
Just as hollow as mine
I must also think
What a wonderous creator you were too