In the Land Between the Hills, There was a Child
Lee Penix
In The Land Between the Hills, There Was a Child
The child was alone and had no one to care for them.
Furthermore, the only thing they could say was,
Other children would come and try to play with the child.
“Do you want to play ball?” They would call.
“Do you like hide and seek?” They would squeak.
“What’s your favorite color?” They would holler.
After a time, they would all grow weary and leave.
“You’re such a bore!” They would implore.
What’s wrong with you?
The child would often ponder this question.
All they could say was,
Were they empty?
They’d look at their reflection.
Their eyes were empty.
They’d look at their hands.
Their hands were empty.
They’d look around them.
Their surroundings were empty.
The child wept.
And wept.
Then wept some more.
They were empty.
In the land between the hills, there was an empty child,
Whose empty sobs echoed,