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What You Want to Hear
Grant Schrader
You don’t want to hear about my life, the bullshit I want to unload about, the TRUE, the REAL.
You want to hear about:
A girl who lived in a lighthouse, out
by that big body of water,
(Where else would it be, of course)
with her skin pale as lilies
who would go down to that
body of water, where she would
look for sea glass among the
smooth stones there, or
how old-times person wanted so bad,
attention from some old-times love,
or, *bongo beat*
There’s a flower there—
A flower’s outline, in shape of…
Ex-plo-sion. Uncle Sam Flower—
U… S… A… I ain’t
gonna see you no more, see you
out on the street, A - MER - I - CA
*Bongo beat*
You don’t want to hear about my life, the bullshit I want to unload about, the TRUE, the REAL.
Grant Schrader is a veteran, short story writer, and poet who has two books of poetry on Amazon under the titles "The Collected Poetic Works of Grant Schrader" and "Stuck, Sprayed, and Scrawled: an Ode to Graffiti" In addition to these works, he has a poetry blog he has regularly posted on for three years at and his poem "Changes" has been published by the Mondavi Center at UC Davis at
His short story “GNC” was also recently accepted at NMSU’s Crimson Thread publication accessible at
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