Mother Nature
The Machine
The Machine

By :: Emily Burr
My ROM is foul, my RAM is cryptic
Well, that’s what the humans say

By :: Brianna Guapo
The willow tree stands in betrayal, shivers trailing down its trunk, as the knife in its back weakens it.

By :: Jason Christopherson
Cold and unforgiving, the brutal mass of skyscrapers extended their antennae skyward, mimicking the cries of the people that live within their cells.

By :: Jonathan Davis
Most of the microbial world is dark to us,
to study a microbe, you have to grow it in a lab...

By :: Adrian Angeles
Sometimes the truth has an unsavory taste. Ask any person on the anniversary and see their gouged-out eyes. Ask a bird how they are doing and see them without a beak.

By :: Dane Selters
I wished to join them on to prove myself too much
My casing too hard for their wires to penetrate
My energy would fry them to flames

By :: Jenna Kiegel
The grass grows red here
(it's blood).
You break it and it breaks you
(you are it).

By :: Amanda Judge
I pick it up and place it in the metal-born
bin nearly meters away from this grave site.
It will take weeks for that flower to
resprout its petal. Maybe even months.

By :: Rose Baijense
do you remember the fireflies that flickered, around pastel
lanterns, highlighting the curves
of your face?