Serra Pelada Gold Mine, State of Pará, Brazil, 1986
By - Lydia Ozer
Short Story
By - Jason Christopherson
why i bite
By - Autumn Nunnally
it isn't hunger.
i clamp down, sink
into muscle,
rubber band tendons
pop pop pop,
I can't eat
By - Dakota Coyle
I'm not hungry so I don’t eat My first not relationship ate too much And I tried to tell them to stop
By - JAX
As it fills my senses and consumes me I empty all my heart into the bowl And I can finally devour the enticing yellow fruit.
Wonderous Creator (I Built You)
By - Susannah C. Jozwiak Sewell
I built you in your formidable absence In the hushed whisper of your mention behind palms
Self Reflection v2
By - Anthony Chezick
“Jesus Christ you look awful, how could you let yourself fall this far.” “We sorry Mr. Fucking Perfect. Not all of us gets to live life on the easy road like you”
By - Emiliano Iniguez-Salgado
Heart. Heart. Heart. I wondered if his was still alive under the freezing poison of his curse.
The Lives of Caroline
By - Caitlin Sykes
She moved through life like the sea — a simple fluidity, but with the power to drag you under and leave you crushed against the rocky shore.
In Transit
By - Maria Mendoza
The ants found their way to the tender flesh below the footsteps of the forgotten.
A prophet is not without honor
By - Jonathan E. Davis
Perhaps like some Columbus or Captain Cook, I simply need to keep a ship's diary to note down my discoveries...
A Made-up Story
By - Hayes Keith Davis
“Mr. Rogers are you trying to make me go bankrupt?”. “No, sir, Editor Smith ordered me to write that article.”
The Lexicon Issue
Who is EUSO
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